Monday, July 27, 2009

Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani on The Real Knower


"The real knower (ariff of Allah s.w.t) who loves Him and beholds Him with the eyes of the heart, is he who recognizes Him as the source of all benefit and harm. He no longer pays any attention to creatures who treat him well or badly. If beneficial action (ihsan) is seen to emanate from one of them, he ascribes it to the power of the Lord of Truth to exact forced labor (tashkir), and if harmful action is seen to emanate from one of them, he ascribes it to His power to inflict painful experiences (taslit). Thus his focus is shifted from creatures to the Creator."

Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani in Al-Fath ar-Rabbani (The Sublime Revelation) translated from the Arabic by Muhtar Holland.


  1. Salam, thank you for making me revisit this posting. I needed this reminder. Must be more conscious of His 'tashkir' and 'taslit'.
    Subhan Allah! Subhan Allah!

    Jumaah Mubarak to you!
