Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Live with the end in mind


O son, I am inspired to share what I have learned from watching the television tonight. The topic is about  the value of children as an investment tool for parents - on what is the yardstick to measure their success and your success as parents. Or your success as a child yourself.

Your children are considered successful not when they become successful in their careers. They are considered successful when they do not become a cause for you to leave the heavens because they might blame you in front of Allah; that you have not educated them properly, that you have not fulfilled your duties; that you have failed to carry out the trust (amanah) for verily they are God's trust upon you.
You are considered successful when your children love you enough to remember to make du'a for you, especially when you are no longer around. You are considered successful if you and your spouse could be good examples for them so that they will grow to have that one invaluable trait - to make du'a for you. Meaning, you must show to your children that you are a good child who is thoughtful of your parents.
You are considered successful if you could make your household as the best university for your growing children; if you could make your home as a heaven for your family - baiti jannati.
You are considered successful when your children grow up knowing the true goals of life. The goal is not for them to be rich, marry and be merry.
The only two goals they need to have are:
  • to meet Rasulullah s.a.w and
  • to gaze at Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. 
So, teach them how to live, with the end in mind.


  1. Salam..

    Pada saat i mencari2 di mana hala rasa yg patut i rasa dlm dilemma i, muncul rencana ini..
    Sbg seorang anak i terasa hati dgn layanan ibubapa i yg mana tidak pernah puas dgn apa i lakukan..ya, mungkin yg buruk dtg dari i tp i tak mahu berdosa pd mrk & i tak mau mrk menanggung dosa i juga for feeling the way i do..
    Im a mother of 3 & struggling hard everyday to understand why parents is acting the way they do towards me but InsyaAllah i takkan berhenti mendoakan kebahagiaan dunia akhirat mrk..
    Txs to your blog, i rasa lega & sesungguhnya Allah menyayangi i krn disaat2 i rasa kehilangan, Ianya memberi pelbagai petunjuk utk menyakinkan & menguatkan semangat i..
    Teruskan usaha u dlm berkongsi ilmu & pendapat u..

  2. Salam warahmatullah,

    Terima kasih kerana sudi berkongsi pengalaman peribadi secara terbuka begini. Saya menghargai keihklasan anda.
    Sama-samalah kita berusaha menjadi anak yg baik. InshaAllah.
    Alhamdulillah wa shukrulillah atas segala kurniaNya yang baik atau pun yang 'kurang baik.'


  3. Salam. Adik Ezza. Maaf saya anggap Ezza macam adik saya je. Bila terkenang tulisan adik tu terkenang waktu saya masih kecil dulu datuk, nenek dan para ibu pabila mendodoikan anak/ cucu dalam buaian sentiasa mendendang dzikir dan selawat amat indah dan merdu sekali. Kenangan itu membuat saya rindu sekali pada mereka (sudah meninggal). Masihkah ada semangat/ perlakuan sebegini? Setidaknya anak2 dari kecil lagi telah diperdengarkan dgn dzikir dan selawat moga anak2 tersebut mendapat hidayat dan keberkatan. "Terkenang dan Tauladan" Wasallam.
