Thursday, February 27, 2014

Rich diet | Enrich the mind


O people, if I may be utterly frank today. Well, no special reason. It's just a plain hot day. I was at the hospital today for a pap smear. Just checking. You know we have to take care of our body cos it's a wonderland :) That song by John Mayer remember?

Anyway, it was quick, like a pap and go kinda thing. Then look what I discovered? The law of attraction works. Am sure you have read about sending a signal of your intention to the universe and then the universe works your way. Sending a signal is like making niyyat.

In the last couple of postings, Miss Quintillion mentioned about million and zillion, you may recall. So when she saw this Millionaire's Caramel Crunch at M&S, she got super excited!

We all have to maintain a rich healthy diet, don't we? Well, this sweet cereal may not be so healthy but it's enriching all right - enriching to the mind and spirit. And with the right mindset it will manifest in our pockets, purse and bank accounts :) 


You lady readers out there, go do a pap smear. Your body is a wonderland :)

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