Sunday, July 12, 2015

Ramadan Bites of Wisdom (25)


'If someone is content with little,
much will come to him'.
- Shaykh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani

We surely are grateful and contented with the little from Him.
Little knowledge.
Little opportunities.
Little abilities.

There are many people out there who are a lot less fortunate and whose 'little' is comparatively lesser than what we have got.

My gregarious mother likes to chat up with janitors/cleaners, maids, security guards and salespersons at the malls, anywhere and everywhere, asking them about their job, their pay, their life, see if they are doing well. These people always open up to her, somehow.

Her most recent encounter was with a lady security personnel at a hospital. She willingly told my mother that she earns RM1500 per month, that her husband also works the same job, at the same place earning the same income. They rent a room (not a house) for RM290 per month. 

Think about it. Their monthly rental is slightly less than the price of one average Raya (Eid) dress. And that's KL rate y'all.  

Imagine being security personnel working odd hours during Ramadan. Imagine having a simple iftar in a small rented room...imagine they don't have the means to travel home during Eid. Imagine....oh let's pray and imagine they will have children and live in a more comfortable house next Ramadan, that Allah will grant them sihah wal afiah and plenty of rizq. Ameen.

But, it's better to live with your beloved spouse in a small rented room, happy and contented, than live in a big house but live miserably unhappy. 

Allah Kareem.
Allah will grant more to those who thank Him more.
'If someone is content with little,
much will come to him'.

Alhamdulillah wa shukrulillah.


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