18th August 2009 - what a blessed Tuesday morning to be able to perform Subuh prayers with the honorable Shaykh Adnan Kabbani who is now visiting Kuala Lumpur. It was my first time seeing one whose aura emits so much humility befitting the soft soothing tone of his voice. What amazed me and humbled this coarse spirit of mine was that while he left the majlis he shook hands with each one standing in line to greet him. And he was the first to say Assalamualaikum to each one of us! I mean to each one! MashaAllah ya Shaykh, such great lesson you taught this sinner. I did not deserve to touch those holy hand of yours. May with your barakah I will be able to steer clear from acts of munkar. May Allah bless your holy soul and sanctify your secrets O dear beloved Shaykh.
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