Sunday, July 21, 2013

Ramadhan Kareem | Allah Kareem | Allah Hakeem


Alhamdulillah it's 13th Ramadhan already. It is obvious, this faqir has not been given the tawfiq to share more over this space this time around. Everything belongs to Him. He gives. He withholds. And He gives all kinds. He gives me some really nice people who wrote in to say how much they have missed me and gave some gifts in the form of prayers. He has also sent people who are not nice at all, people who threatened me and spread words about my past sins. I thought it's funny how people like to be a recorder of other people's deeds, play judge and play "sins-broadcaster". Some people have got nothing better to do. They must be lonely.

But we seek solace in our Lord and we submit ourselves entirely to Him. He knows all about us, both good and bad. He records, He weighs and He judges. Allah Hakeem.

Yesterday I saw this apt posting on a friend's FB wall - a good piece of advice from Shaykh Ninowy.

And Allah is Kareem indeed. Though He may withhold something, make you a little sad in one department, He may make you rejoice in some other departments. When we are tested we try to be patient. When we are gifted, we say: Thank You Allah for Your munificence!

Ramadhan Kareem!
Pic credit: Sis N
Thanks Kak Puteh - I love you too!


  1. alsalamualeykum
    i have no idea who u r dear sister...but its sadden me to know people some people have hurt u..
    ..those who hurt u have no idea..what kind of goodness u have brought to the others..through your writings in here..

    Alhamdelillah wa shukrulillah for those whom have hurt you..past sins is a reminder for us to stay close to tawba...may we become ahl tawba dear sis..

    hakikat tawbah itu besar nilainya bagi sekecil kecil dosa..dan tiada dosa itu kecil bagi seorang hamba..subhanallah..forgive us ya rabb

    1. Alaykumsalam warahmatullah dear Aishah,
      Thank you very much for such kind words. My bruised heart heals a bit Alhamdulillah.
      Ameen to your doa.
      May Allah bless you for your compassion towards another Muslim.

      - Eza
