Friday, February 10, 2017

Expect Allah's blessings


Why be afraid of what could go wrong?
Be excited about what could go right!

We should expect the blessings of Allah because "in his hands is all good" (Quran 3:26).

Wish y'all a day filled with amazing blessings from Allah.

Be like this gentleman. I encountered him yesterday. There was a pail containing about 1 kg of small prawns, near him. His wife sat on the nearby rocks, with their little boy sleeping on her lap. When we asked him if it was a good spot for fishing, he replied calmly that he was expecting some small prawns and had this to say: "It's good. It's up to Allah to grant how much I could get from here."

I truly admired his quiet, patient, positive, cool demeanor.

May Allah make our hearts free from relying on people so we may taste the joy of depending on Him. Ameen.



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