Saturday, July 18, 2009

Angel's handshake


O son, during the time of Rasulullah s.a.w there was a sahabi by the name of Abdullah who attended the Prophet's khutbah regularly. He would listen to Rasulullah's words very attentively and cry. But each time he went home after the khutbah he would laugh happily at seeing his wife and the rest of his family. This went on for quite some time. Abdullah began to realize this sudden change of attitude in him. He thought that this was a character of a munafiq. Feeling upset with himself he walked around the neighborhood shouting "Abdullah is a munafiq, Abdullah is a munafiq." When Saidina Abu Bakar crossed path with Abdullah, he inquired him of this strange behavior. He then took Abdullah to see the Prophet who upon learning the unique condition of Abdullah, said:

"If you are like Abdullah, if you pay attention and shed tears at a majlis ilm, the angels would be very delighted with you that they will want to give you a handshake!"
O son, indeed what the Prophet had said is true. I know one abdullah whose heart is so attached to majlis ilm and whose eyes are so generous with tears. It's not a surprise that through ayn basirah (inner vision) he once saw and felt two angelic wings hugging him during seclusion. May Allah sanctify his secrets and make us love the righteous and the pious. Ameen.

Source: Habib Abdul Aziz Shihab tausiyah in KL, July 2009
Photo credit: Brother Ishaq of Haqqani Fellowship

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