Friday, May 21, 2010

Taslit and Tashkir


O son, taslit and tashkir are two words I wish to memorize today. Thanks to one visitor who left a comment on one old posting of Lisan al-Din on The Real Knower.

We often hear our gurus talk about qabdhu state and basthu state which correspond to His attributes of Jalal and Jamal. In simple language the former means 'a bad day' (qabdhu state) and the latter, 'a good day' (basthu state).
So we learn from Ghawth al-Azam that the real knower is one who recognizes the action of Allah of inflicting us with bad things - taslit. And His ability to make good things happen to us - tashkir.

So on a bad day, remember the word taslit. On a good day, it is tashkir. Either way, Allahu Akbar! Allah is the Greatest!

Jumaah Mubarrak to all.


  1. Salam,

    " walaa tushollit 'alayya bi dhunoobii, man laa yakhoofuka wa laa yarhamuni." - (sebahagian dari doa Nabi Isa a.s.)

    jangan Engkau kuasai akan atas aku, disebabkan oleh dosa aku, orang-orang yang tidak takut padaMu atau tiada perasaan belas kasihan atas ku.

    Taslit mentioned above, is it the same as "tushollit" in the doa?

    The full verse of the doa (in mevlevi wird):

    1. Allaahumma inni ashbahtu laa astathee'u daf'a maa akrahu wa laa amliku naf'a maa arjuu wa ashbahal amru bi yadi ghairi wa ashbahtu murtahinam bi 'amalii.

    2. Wa laa faqeera afqara minnii

    3. Allaahumma laa tushmit bi 'aduwwii wa laa tasu' bi shodiiqii wa laa taj'al musheebati fii deeni wa laa taj'alid dunya akbara hammi wa laa mablagho 'ilmi wa la tushollith 'alayya bi dhunoobii man laa yakhoofuka wa laa yarhamunii.


    1. O Allah. I have reached the morning in a state in which I cannot remove from myself the things that I dislike and I cannot remove from myself the things that I dislike and I cannot achieve that to which I aspire. These matters are not in my hands but in Yours. I have become bound by my deeds.

    2. And there is none poorer than I am (among Your servants needing Your Mercy).

    3. O Allah. Don't make my enemy rejoice and my friend grieve through my misfortune. Do not let a calamity befall my faith and do not let my greatest concern be for this world. Do not let this world be the limit of my knowledge, and do not give power over me to anyone who has no fear of You and who will not be merciful to me.

    (haraf maaf sekiranya ada kesalahan dalam ejaan transliteration di atas. Doa ini juga ada dalam kitab Hidayatus Salikin).


  2. Salam Hazbu,

    MashaAllah! Thank you very much for the du'a and its transliteration. I shall quote you and share it in a posting soon.
    To be honest with you, I have been feeling unwell today as I struggled with work but your question demanded that I revisit 'The Sublime Revelation' and flipped page by page until I found the paragraph which I had quoted. Phew! What a task!
    Anyway, the answer to your question is that taslit is taslit as I quoted it from Muhtar Holand and it cannot possibly be the same as tushollit. I suggest that you consult someone who knows Arabic and ask the root word for tushollit. In the context of the du'a that you have quoted I read tushollit to mean 'overpower' whereas taslit as Muhtar Holland translated it, was refering to 'His power to inflict painful experiences.'
    Wallahu a'lam.
