Alhamdulillah wa shukrulillah.
How many of us had been praying 'Allahumma balighna Ramadhan'...and it's here, we have embraced it yet again?
It's 3rd Ramadhan 1442 Hijri already. I have read 2 juz of the Quran so far. I was out shopping for Mabkhara, bukhoor and some Arabia perfumes, so I missed the Book.
Anyway, let's try to practise as many sunnah as possible. I have been meaning to document two new selawat I learned on Nabawi TV recently. Do come and check this posting again later.
Meantime, I pray Allah would be kind to grant us Laylatul Qadar this year and help us stay loyal to the Quran beyond Ramadhan.
Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin.
Wasalamualaikum warahmatullah.
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Habib Quraisy Baharun 5 April 2021 Jalsah Itsnain Majelis Rasulullah West Java [Pic credit: Nabawi TV] |
As promised here are the two selawat as taught by Habib Quraisy Baharun, a prominent Indonesian dai'e on Nabawi TV on 5th April 2021 at a weekly majlis known as 'Jalsah Itsnain Majelis Rasulullah' in West Java.
The first selawat was originally taught by Habib Ali bin Abdul Rahman Al Mahsyur. It is known to be highly effective for those who have passed away so that by the grace of Rasulullah salallah alaihi wasalam, the mayyit (the deceased) would be pardoned even if he/she was already destined for Jahannam, or if the mayyit was in a better position than that, Allah would improve his/her conditions and elevate his/her rank.
I do not have it in Arabic script, so please refer to the original recording of the majlis at the link provided below. Go to minute 1:27:27 and please ask someone to help with the translation.
Allahumma solli wa sallim
wa baarik wa sharrif wa karrim
ala Sayidina Muhammad
an Nabiyil kaamil
wa 'ala aalihi solatan
laa niha ya talaha
kama la niha yata
lika maa lika
wa 'adada kamaa lih
The second selawat, according to Habib Quraisy Harun, is attributed to [unnamed] solehin who first obtained it through a dream. Reciting this selawat for just ten times is equivalent to reciting more than 100,000 times selawat.
For your reference, check the audio recording at minute 1:30:39.
Allahumma solli wa sallim wa baarik
ala Sayidina Muhammad
wa 'ala alihi
ada da kama lika
wa kama yalii ku
bi kamaa lih
Nabawi TV FB link for the aforementioned majlis:
Wama tawfiqi illa billah,
- E. Ismail