
"Boost Your Faith' by Ezatulhada ably captures the essence of being a Muslim: to be the vicegerent of God on Earth, grounded in the Oneness of God, or Tawheed. The book is informed by her lifelong experience of gathering knowledge from mingling, listening, and interacting with many contemporary, highly regarded scholars, as well as her extensive readings of classical works. Thus, the work culminates in her personal spiritual experiences gained over the years and is shared to benefit others interested in enhancing their own spirituality. Developing one's character, or akhlaq, is fundamental to the vicegerency of mankind, and Eza beautifully elucidates its relevant components, such as the importance of sincere intentions in actions, mannerisms, and humility. Additionally, the book covers the sayings and actions of the noble Prophet (peace be upon him) along with words of wisdom from the saints of the past; this book indeed boosts one's faith. Kudos to Eza."
- Prof. Dato' Dr Ahamed Kameel Mydin Meera, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic & Research, Sultan Azlan Shah University
'Buku "Boost Your
Faith" ini sangat baik untuk seseorang yang mencari hikmah di sebalik
kehidupan. Melalui kalam para ulama, kita fahami perkara yang tersirat di
sebalik yang tersurat.'
- Dr. Shamsul bin Mohd Nor, Pengerusi Yayasan ITMAM, Penulis dan Pendakwah
'This book blends timeless
wisdom from Sufi classics with contemporary insights, offering concise lessons
from figures like Imam al-Ghazali, Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani, and Rumi.
Whether you seek spiritual growth or practical guidance, Boost Your Faith
provides a clear path for nurturing the soul, making it an essential read for
every seeker of truth. It is rare to find a writer in Malaysia who explores
this theme especially, Sufism. This is a profound and insightful contribution
that is sure to impact readers. Congratulations!'
- Mohd Syazreen Abdullah, Writer and Founder, Centre for Advanced Irfan Studies
'Congratulations! It is an
attractive book filled with excellent quotations and guidance from past
masters and contemporary guides. Jazakillahukhair for the hard work.'
- Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zainiy Uthman, Author & Professor at Raja
Zarith Sofiah Centre for Advanced Studies on Islam, Science, and Civilization,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
'I have known the writer for almost three decades and have had the privilege of witnessing the growth of her spiritual journey. Her perseverance in understanding Islamic teachings through readings, attending Majlis Ta’alim, and then sharing the wisdom she has collected via her blog, Lisan al-Din, amidst the struggles of the corporate world is inspiring. ‘Boost Your Faith’ is indeed a good book. May it benefit readers looking for a practical understanding of Islamic teachings. My heartfelt congratulations, Eza, for your effort in disseminating ‘ilm, as per the hadith: “Ballighu ‘anni walau ayah.” “Convey my teachings to the people even if it were a single sentence.” [Sahih Bukhari: 3461].’
- Hajjah Hairunnisa Nasir, Ex-Telecoms Specialist
'Boost Your Faith’: suatu kumpulan catatan oleh Saudari Ezatulhada Ismail, adalah bingkisan ilmu yang mendalam, disusun untuk semua lapis pembaca. Dalam menjelaskan rukun Ihsan sesuai bagi khalayak Muslim moden, ia mengutip dan menggaris hikmah kebijaksanaan daripada ucapan para ulama kontemporari di majlis-majlis ilmu; di samping menjejak keilmuan masa lalu dengan mengumpulkan untaian mutiara kearifan teks-teks klasik Islam. Buku ini sarat makna namun digarap dalam Bahasa Inggeris yang mudah bagi pembaca untuk memahami dan menerapkan intisari agama dalam kehidupan harian.
Koleksi catatan rutin daripada blog penulis yang kini dikemas dalam bentuk buku tampak berhasil menyederhanakan kedalaman ilmu untuk diterjemah kepada amal, menjadikannya relevan direnung sehari-hari: sumber penting bagi mereka yang ingin memperkuat dan memperdalam keimanannya, justeru menjadikan buku ini salah satu referensi yang sangat berharga untuk semua.’
- F. Fansuri, Pembaca blog Lisan al-Din seawal 2009
'Buku ‘Boost Your Faith’ dapat dikatakan sebagai karya yang menyegarkan dan relevan untuk mereka yang mencari inspirasi dalam memperkukuh keimanan. Setiap bab memberikan panduan praktikal dan kisah-kisah motivasi yang memberi kesan mendalam, seolah-olah penulis ingin menyampaikan bahawa perubahan kecil dalam amalan seharian mampu membawa perubahan besar kepada kehidupan rohani kita. Tahniah buat penulis, Puan Ezatulhada. Teruskan memberi inspirasi.’
- Barisal Bivi Shaik Dawood, Guru Besar SK Perempuan Island
'Bukan sekadar buku tetapi menerangkan beberapa persoalan dalam jiwa, dikupas dalam sudut agama, memahami kasih sayang Allah, teladan yang patut dicontohi daripada Rasulullah ﷺ dan juga nasihat-nasihat berguna dalam membentuk karakter serta sahsiah yang lebih baik.'
- Dr. Naimah Musa, Pensyarah, Universiti Sains Malaysia
'It is a beautifully written book on how to increase and strengthen our faith as Muslims towards Allah and to love Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. This book serves as a very useful guide on how one can live one's life as a good Muslim and it also helps when one is feeling low and spiritually down. Overall, it enhances one's faith as a Muslim as it contains various pieces of advice from renowned scholars. Furthermore, I believe the author has chosen a very suitable title for her book ‘Boost Your Faith’. The title suits its contents perfectly. Jayyid Jiddan, ahsanti Eza!’
- Noorzarinah binti K A Walimohamed, Legal Practitioner
'I chanced upon the blog Lisan al-Dīn in my early days of seeking, in 2012, and I found myself continually returning to it over the years. The written words on her blog, which are now this book, are words from the heart that truly touched mine. It would not be an exaggeration for me to say that her writings became a guiding light and companion for my own journey of learning, helping me sift through the noise of the world to reach clarity in seeking a true spiritual connection that is genuinely grounded. Her reflections and sharing not only boost my himma, but also spearhead my actual practice. Truly inspirational and full of barakah. I am overjoyed by the news of this published book, which includes gems from so many mashayikh and scholars dear to me, presented in beautiful language full of love. I pray that, just as the blog has affected me, Boost Your Faith continues to reach souls across the world and through time, reminding and connecting each one of us to the One Who Created us and to the Muḥammadan Light ﷺ. This is a dire need in our time and serves as a reminder that good intentions open doors to more blessed goodness; indeed, reminders truly benefit the believers.’
- Atiqah Anas, Knowledge Seeker
'Boost Your Faith encourages you to strengthen your faith through the compilation of spiritual discourses which have been purposefully organised by the author from her own valuable experience. It offers several practical advice on how to incorporate faith into one's daily life.
- Dr. Shamsul Bahrain Rawi, Educator, Universiti Utara Malaysia
'I have been following her blog, Lisan al-Din, since 2009. I find her writing not only boosts my faith but also brings me to tears especially when I realize how much I had missed when living in Germany and the UK. The road to true iman is straightforward, but oftentimes we take it for granted. I'm glad she decided to compile her blog postings into a book so that more people, especially readers outside Malaysia, can benefit from them.'
- Hajjah Nor Aini Omar, Retiree & Traveller
'An amazing book, Masha Allah. It manages to collect words of wisdom and nasihah from the living sages of our time, such as Habib Umar bin Hafiz, as well as timeless knowledge from previous masters. It is a great companion for anyone who is a seeker of knowledge and a traveller on this path.
- Hussain Jamalullail, CEO قهوة
'Rare gems are meticulously recorded in this wonderful book to assist readers in becoming aware of His presence. A culmination of fruitful lessons from well-known scholars is presented beautifully. Congratulations, Eza, for leaving your heartprints.'
- Dr. Puteh Saad, Agropreneur & Ex - Lecturer
'Boost Your Faith is a motivational book that guides readers on a spiritual journey, focusing on strengthening one’s faith through practical steps and personal reflection. The book is structured to inspire readers to build a closer relationship with Allah by exploring various aspects of faith, such as prayer, resilience, and trust. It combines teachings from religious texts with real-life applications, making it a practical resource for those looking to grow spiritually. With engaging stories and insightful lessons, the book makes the idea of faith accessible and actionable, encouraging readers to implement these principles in their daily lives.
Through easy-to-understand language and relatable examples, Boost Your Faith reaches out to readers of all backgrounds, whether they are new to spirituality or already practising. The author aims to empower readers by highlighting the benefits of a strong faith foundation, such as inner peace, gratitude, and a positive outlook on life. Each chapter provides reflections and exercises, guiding readers to internalize the concepts discussed. Overall, Boost Your Faith serves as a comprehensive guide for anyone eager to deepen their spiritual awareness and live a more meaningful, faith-centered life.'
- Ustazah Nazatul Atillah binti Mohd Suod, Islamic Education Teacher, Island Girls' School
'Boost Your Faith is an excellent piece of antidote for the human psychological malady. And a vitamin cum comforting remedy for the modern man's spiritual tragedy. An excellent summative essay! Well done!'
- Dato' Dr. Ali, Cardiologist
"I really enjoyed reading "Boost Your Faith" by Ms. Ezatulhada Ismail. Have been reading her blog for a long time and am glad she has finally compiled some of her postings into printed form. The book is inspirational as it motivates us readers to strengthen our belief and faith and our connection to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. It certainly helps people like me who are on a continuous spiritual journey, to reflect and nurture our faith during these challenging times. Hope that she will continue to write more books."
- Lisan al-Din follower since 2013
All praises are due to Allah.
We are His servants who only long for His mercy and a good ending.
Ya Allahu biha Ya Allahu biha Ya Allahubihusnil khatimah.