It's the second day of Rejab. Its wonderful vibe is becoming apparent. I have just listened to a tausiyah streamed live from Majelis Rasulullah FB. Ustaz Ahmad Afif Abdullah (pic) began by sharing the remarks made by the venerable Habib Umar bin Hafiz pertaining to the arrival of Rejab.
Habib Umar elucidated the oft-quoted saying about Rejab being a month for sowing [the seeds of one's ibadah], Syaaban a month for watering the seeds and Ramadan a time to reap the fruits that one has sowed. So what do these analogies mean? To live Rejab means to repent truthfully, that is to aim for hakikat taubah (ultimate repentance), that is to admit one's mistakes, to have a strong resolve in not repeating them and to show remorse for one's misconducts, and to refrain from committing makruh deeds, let alone the haram (forbidden).
In Syaaban, one waters one's good seeds by nurturing the longing one has for Allah and Rasulullah, longing for the rewards that Allah normally would grant to the solehin. To water the seeds with plenty of affection and selawat for Rasulullah. When making selawat for the Prophet salallah alaihi wasalam, be conscious of the quality. Sit facing the qibla and establish a heart connection with the Prophet. Just recite a few selawat but with high quality, by invoking one's longing and love for Rasulullah. If you can do more while maintaining the quality, then that would be better.
In Ramadan, one may anticipate three bounties from the Lord, on account of the seeds that one sowed in Rejab and nourished during Syaaban: that is obtaining His mercy, earning His pardon and getting protection from the torments of hellfire.
Therefore, sow the good seeds in Rejab. If you do not sow, how can you expect to enjoy the fruits in Ramadan? If you don't water the seeds well in Syaaban, they won't grow and you'll have nothing special to look forward to in Ramadan.
Allahumma bariklana fi Rajaba wa Syaaban
wa ballighna Ramadan
Allahu a'lam.
I encourage those who understand the Indonesian language to listen to the tausiyah here:
Ustaz Ahmad Afif on Majelis Rasulullah FB 3rd Feb 2022 |
On a personal note, I am just grateful that my family had recently hosted yet another gathering with our Huffaz friends. In conjunction with the event, I laboured wholeheartedly cleaning and prepping the house. Now with the arrival of the three auspicious months Rejab, Syaaban and Ramadhan, I can enjoy being at home especially spending time at my new desk in my neater Study, now that I have decluttered and reorganized all my stuff. Truly grateful for the tawfiq from Allah subhanahu wa taala! Alhamdulillah wa shukru lillah.
29th Jan 2022 |
Best regards,
E. Ismail