Monday, August 31, 2009
10th Ramadhan 1430H (Ramadhan Tausiyah by Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani)

Sunday, August 30, 2009
5th Haul Event of Habib Muhammad bin Alawi al-Maliki

Majlis HaulDate: 16 Ramadhan 1430H (Sunday, 6 September 2009)
Time: From Asar until after Taraweeh
Ba'alawi KL
No. 9, Jalan UP2A
Taman Prima Ukay
Saujana Melawati
Kemensah, Kuala Lumpur
(Behind National Zoo)
Host/person to contact: Ben Alawi +6019 669 3887
Solat Asar
Iftar (buka puasa/breaking of fast)
Solat Maghrib
Solat Isha' & Taraweeh
Special guests:
Habib Hamed al-Habshi
Habib Umar bin Shihab
Habib Naqib bin Shaykh Abu Bakar
9th Ramadhan 1430H (Ramadhan Tausiyah by Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani)

Note: Extracts from lectures given by Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani in Ramadhan 545 A.H. Reference: The Sublime Revelation (Al-fath ar-Rabbani) Translated from the Arabic by Muhtar Holland.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
8th Ramadhan 1430H (Ramadhan Tausiyah by Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani)

Note: Extracts from lectures given by Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani in Ramadhan 545 A.H. Reference: The Sublime Revelation (Al-fath ar-Rabbani) Translated from the Arabic by Muhtar Holland.
Friday, August 28, 2009
7th Ramadhan 1430H (Ramadhan Tausiyah by Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani)

Note: Extracts from lectures given by Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani in Ramadhan 545 A.H. Reference: The Sublime Revelation (Al-fath ar-Rabbani) Translated from the Arabic by Muhtar Holland.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
6th Ramadhan 1430H (Ramadhan Tausiyah by Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani)

Note: Extracts from lectures given by Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani in Ramadhan 545 A.H. Reference: The Sublime Revelation (Al-fath ar-Rabbani) Translated from the Arabic by Muhtar Holland.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
5th Ramadhan 1430H (Ramadhan Tausiyah by Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani)
When the human being is sound, there is none so sound as he. When he is pure, there is none so pure as he. When he is near to his Lord, there is none so near as he. The ignorant person sees with the eye of his head, the intelligent person sees with the eyes of his mind and the knower ('arif) sees with the eyes of his heart, possessed of the essence of knowledge (mujawharan 'aliman). All creatures are given to him to swallow, so they are swallowed up in him. He has nothing left apart from the Lord of Truth, so at this point he says, "He is the First and the Last, the Outer and the Inner" (Qur'an 57:3). The Lord of Truth becomes his outer and his inner, his first and his last, his form and his content. He has nothing but Him, so now he establishes his love permanently with Him in this world and the hereafter, complying with His wishes under all circumstances. He prefers His good pleasure and the displeasure of others. No blame attaches to him. As one of the wise has said, "Agree with Allah concerning creatures, and do not agree with creatures concerning Allah. Broken is he who gets broken and mended is he who gets mended."
Your devil, your passions (hawa), your natural inclinations (tab') and your bad companions are your enemies, so beware of them in case they make you fall into perdition. Acquire knowledge so that you will know how to combat them and be on your own guard against them, then you will know how to worship your Lord. From the ignorant person no worship is accepted. The Prophet s.a.w is reported as having said: "If someone worships Allah in ignorance, what he does wrong is more than what he does right."

Note: Extracts from lectures given by Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani in Ramadhan 545 A.H. Reference: The Sublime Revelation (Al-fath ar-Rabbani) Translated from the Arabic by Muhtar Holland.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
4th Ramadhan 1430H (Ramadhan Tausiyah by Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani)

Note: Extracts from lectures given by Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani in Ramadhan 545 A.H. Reference: The Sublime Revelation (Al-fath ar-Rabbani) Translated from the Arabic by Muhtar Holland.
Monday, August 24, 2009
3rd Ramadhan 1430H (Ramadhan Tausiyah by Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani)

Note: Extracts from lectures given by Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani in Ramadhan 545 A.H. Reference: The Sublime Revelation (Al-fath ar-Rabbani) Translated from the Arabic by Muhtar Holland.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
2nd Ramadhan1430H (Ramadhan Tausiyah by Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani)

Note: Extracts from lectures given by Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani in Ramadhan 545 A.H. Reference: The Sublime Revelation (Al-fath ar-Rabbani) Translated from the Arabic by Muhtar Holland.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Ahlan wa Sahlan Shaykh Adnan Kabbani

1st Ramadhan 1430H (Ramadhan Tausiyah by Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani)

Friday, August 21, 2009
Ramadhan Kareem 1430 Hijrah

Farewell Shaaban 1430 Hijrah (Words of al-Ghawth al-'Azam)

"O ignorant one, put down the catalogue (daftar) and come, sit over here in front of me. Knowledge is obtained from the mouths of the men (of the Lord), not from the archives (dafatir). It is obtained from the spiritual state (hal), not from the teaching (maqal). It is obtained from those who are extinct (fanun) to themselves and to creatures, surviving (baqun) in the Lord of Truth. The central point is your becoming extinct (fana) to you and to them, then your existence (wujud) in Him. You must die to everything other than Him, then come alive through Him for His sake. Keep company with the servants of the Lord of Truth, who never leave His door. Their job is to carry out His commandments, observe His prohibitions and comply with His decree (qadar). They move about in harmony with His will (irada) for them and His action (fi'l) on them. They have no quarrel with Him where they are concerned, and none where others are concerned. They do not oppose Him in anything, be it little or much, be it high or low."
"O Allah, make us alive in You
and make us dead
to everything other than You!"
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Sufyan al-Thawry on dervishes and the wealthy

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Traveling Home

Monday, August 17, 2009
Cooling off salawat

Sunday, August 16, 2009
The Clouds

O son, be sure to observe the universe and your own self and contemplate on His words.
"We will show them Our Signs in the Universe and in their own selves until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Qur'an) is the truth." (Al Fusilat: 53)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Hukum Waqt

Ameen Allahumma ameen...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Reflecting on one's current state

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Ibn Arabi Wednesday Evening Prayer

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Believe in the Qur'an
O my people! Believe in this Qur'an, put it into practice, and be sincere in your actions. Do not pretend and do not be hypocritical in your conduct. Do not seek praise from people, or look to them to reward you for your deeds. Only a few individuals among the people believe in this Qur'an and put it into practice for the sake of Allah s.w.t. This is why the sincere are so few and the hypocrites are so many. How lazy you are in obeying Allah, and how energetic you are in obeying His enemy and your own enemy, Satan the accursed! The people (of the Lord) wish never to be free of obligations imposed by the Lord of Truth since they know that in patience with His obligations (takalif). His judgments (aqdiya) and His decrees (aqdar) there lies much good for this world and the hereafter. They harmonize with Him in His operations (tasarif) and transformations (taqalib), sometimes in patience and sometimes in gratitude, sometimes in nearness and sometimes in remoteness, sometimes in weary labor and sometimes in repose, sometimes in affluence and sometimes in poverty, sometimes in health and sometimes in sickness. Their entire aspiration is to keep their hearts safe with the Lord of Truth. This is the most important thing of all to them. They wish for their own salvation (salama) and the salvation of all creatures (al-khalq) with the Creator (al-Khaliq). They never cease begging the Lord of Truth for the benefit of all creatures.
O young man! Be correct (sahih) then you will be eloquent (fasih). Be correct in law (hukm) then you will be eloquent in learning ('ilm). Be correct in secret, then you will be eloquent in public. The whole of well-being (salama) lies in obedience to the Lord of Truth, that is to say, in carrying out everything He has commanded, avoiding everything He has forbidden and bearing with patience everything He has decreed. When someone responds to the wishes of Allah, He will respond to that person's prayer and when someone obeys Him, He will make all His creatures obedient to that person.
O my people! Take instruction from me, for I am giving you sound advice. I am quite impartial toward myself and toward you. Whatever I have to deal with, my attitude is impartial. I am happy to observe the action (fi'il) of Allah in me and in you. Do not suspect my motives, because I wish for you what I wish for myself. As the Prophet s.a.w has said: "The believer does not perfect his faith until he wishes for his Muslim brother what he wishes for himself."
Monday, August 10, 2009
Abu Said on Miraculous Powers and the Mill

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Finding Him in Silence

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Only take your rations

Friday, August 7, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Nisfu Shaaban (Laylatul Bara'ah)
O son, alhamdulillah wa shukrulillah, what a blessed night this Nisfu Shaaban, for Allah al-Jami' to gather His servants at majlis zikr.
Habib Dr. Ahmad al-Kaf led the majlis held at Ba'alawi KL. I have never heard anyone recited such intensely moving du'a before. The depth and breadth of his recitations evoking emotions of tawbah and hope among the jemaah was to me, comparable to Imam Sudais' du'a on the night of 27th Ramadhan at Masjidil Haram. MashaAllah! Tearful servants of Allah wished for nothing but His Mercy. According to Habib, all eyes will cry (kullu 'ainin baqiyah) on the Day of Resurrection save those whose eyes had shed tears for Allah while in the dunya.
Madho Rajabu ya sohi 'anka
Rajab with its blessings has left you O friend
Shahidan 'ala haqqi lahu lam tuwaffah
and it has witnessed the truth that you had not performed
waha qod madho min shahri Shaabana nisfuhu
And now half of Shaaban is gone
wa anta 'ala ma la aquhu biwasfihi
while you are in a state which I cannot fathom
fabadir bifiqlil khoiri qablan qidhoihi
hasten to do good deeds before you lose it
wahazir hujumal mauti fihi bisorfihi
beware of the coming of death as it (Nisfu Shaaban) leaves us
fakum min fitan qod baata fin nisfi aamilan
how many people who spend the night wishing
waqod nusikhat fihin sohifatan hatfihi
whereas the note of death has been erased therefrom
waqum lailatin nisfil sharifi musolliyan
wake up on this night of mid-shaaban and pray
fa ashraf hazas shahra lailati nisfihi
witness this month by observing the night of its mid-month
wasum yaumahu lillahi warju suwabahu
Fast during the day for Allah's sake and hope for His rewards
litadhfara yaumal 'ardhi fihi bilutfihi
may you, with His Latif, be successful on the day of the presentation.

A note of appreciation to Ben & Ina for hosting such a holy majlis. May Allah make it easy for them to achieve their aspirations in making the Ba'alawi KL center, a place that is makmur with nur. Ameen.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The Prophet on Paradise and Hell

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Be the first to say 'Thank You'

I wish to remind you that you must be the first to say 'thank you' everytime you purchase something, especially food. Don't wait for the seller to say 'thank you'. Never expect him/her to be the first to say thank you just because you are paying for the goods/service.
You should rightfully thank him/her for the efforts and time spent to prepare the food or whatever service that you are getting. Do not place value on your dollar notes. Your heart must be able to see who the real giver is. Be sure to see who is the 'real provider' of your food when you transact. When your heart becomes sensitive you will see the He who is behind he/she you are dealing with. Then you will quickly without hesitation or delay, say thank you not only with your tongue but with your inner most heart. If you do that you can be sure that you don't belong with those whom the Prophet had referred to when he said: "Those who are not thankful to the people, they are not grateful to Allah."
But you O son, you must not only be thankful to people and be grateful to Allah, you must witness who is the source of benefits and acknowledge immediately by being the first to say 'thank you'.
Monday, August 3, 2009
The One and only
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Ibn Arabi Sunday Eve Prayer

Saturday, August 1, 2009
Salawat Ibn Mashish (Revisited)
Allahumma salli ‘ala man minhu-n-shaqqati-l-asrar
O Allah shower Your blessings upon him from whom burst open the secrets,
from whom stream forth the lights,
wa fihi-rtaqati-l-haqa’iq
and in whom rise up the realities,
wa tanazalat ‘ulum Adama fa-a‘jaza-l-khala’iq
and upon whom descended the sciences of Adam, by which all creatures are made powerless,
wa lahu tada’alati-l-fuhum
and blessings upon him before whom all understanding is diminished.
fa-lam yudrik-hu minna sabiqun wa la lahiqa
None of us totally comprehend him, whether in the past or the future
fa-riyadu-l-malakuti bi-zahri jamalihi muniqa
The gardens of the spiritual kingdom blossom ornately with the resplendence of his beauty,
wa hiyadu-l-jabaruti bi-faydi anwarihi mutadafiqah
and the reservoirs of the World of Dominion overflow with the outpouring of his light.
wa la shay’a illa wa huwa bihi manuta
There is nothing that is not connected to him,
idh lawla-l-wasitatu la-dhhaba kama qila mawsut
because if there were no intercessor, everything to be interceded for would vanish, as it is said.
salatan taliqu bika minka ilayhi kama huwa ahluhu
So bless him with a prayer that is worthy of You, from You, as befits his stature.
Allahumma innahu sirruka-l-jami‘u-d-dallu bika ‘alayk
O Allah indeed he is Your all-encompassing secret that leads through You to You
wa hijabuka-l-a‘azamu-l-qa’imu laka bayna yadayk
and he is Your Supreme Veil raised before You, between Your Hands.
Allahumma alhiqni bi-nasabihi wa haqqiqni bi-hasabihi
O Allah include me among his descendants and confirm me through his account
wa ‘arifni iyyahu ma‘rifatan aslamu biha min mawaridi-l-jahl
and let me know him with a deep knowledge that keeps me safe from the wells of ignorance,
wa akra‘u biha min mawaridi-l-fadl
so that I might drink to fullness from the wells of excellence
wa-hmilni ‘ala sabilihi ila Hadratik
Carry me on his path to Your Presence
hamlan mahfufam bi-nusratik
encompassed by Your Victory,
wa aqadhif bi ‘ala-l-batil fa-admaghuhu
and strike through me at the false so that I may destroy it.
wa zujja bi fi bihari-l-Ahadiyya
Plunge me into the seas of Oneness,
wa-nshulni min ahwali-tawhid
pull me out of the morass of metaphorical Unity,
wa-ghriqni fi ‘ayni bahri-l-Wahda
and drown me in the Essence of the Ocean of Unity
hatta la ara wa la asma‘a wa la ajida wa la uhissa illa biha
until I neither see, nor hear, nor find, nor sense, except through It.
wa-j‘ali Allahumma-l-hijaba-l-a‘zama hayata ruhi
O Allah make the Supreme Veil the life of my spirit
wa ruhahu sirra haqiqati
and his soul the secret of my reality
wa haqiqatahu jami‘a ‘awalimi
and his reality the conflux of my worlds
through the realization of the First Truth.
Ya Awwal Ya Akhir Ya Zahir Ya Batin
O First! O Last! O Manifest! O Most Hidden!
Isma‘ nida’iy bima sami‘ta bihi nida’a abdika Zakariyya
Hear my call as You heard the call of your servant Zachary
wa-nsurni bika laka
and grant me victory through You, for You
wa ayyidni bika Laka
and support me through You, for You
wa ajma’ bayni wa Baynak
and join me to You
wa hul bayni wa bayna ghayrik
and come between myself and anything other than You
Allaaah! Allaaah! Allaaah!Inna-l-ladhi farada ‘alayka-l-qur’ana
Indeed He, Who ordained the Qur’an for you,
la-radduka ’ila ma‘ad [Holy Qur’an 28.85]
will return you to the station of your Ultimate Destiny.
Rabbana ‘atina min ladunka Rahmatan
O Lord grant us from Your Presence Mercy
wa haiy’ lana min ‘amrina Rashada [Holy Qur’an 18.10]
and endow us, whatever our outward condition, with sure Guidance!
Inna-Llaha wa malai’katahu yusalluna ‘ala-n-nabi
Indeed Allah and His angels shower blessings upon the Prophet.
ya ayyuha-lladhina ’amanu
O you who believe,
sallu ‘alayhi wa sallimu taslima [Holy Qur’an 33.65]
shower blessings on him and greet him abundantly.
Salawatu-Llahi wa sallamuhu wa tahiyyatuhu wa Rahmatuhu
May the Sublime Blessings of Allah, His Peace, Greetings, Mercy,
wa barakatuhu ‘ala sayyidina Muhammadin
and Grace, be upon our Master Muhammad,
‘abdika wa nabiyyika wa rasulika an-Nabiyyi-l-Ummi
Your Servant, Prophet and Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet
wa ‘ala alihi wa sahbihi
and also upon his family and companions.
wa sallim ‘adada-sh-shaf‘i wa-l-watri
Upon him be Peace multiplied by all even and odd numbers,
wa ‘adada kalimati Rabbina-t-tammati-l-mubarakat
and multiplied also by the inconceivable number of the perfect and blessed words of our Lord.
Photo credit: Abdul Fattah (Muh Jusuf Ahmed Yahya) of Haqqani Fellowship. Tomb of Ibn Mashish located between Tangier and Fez, Morocco. Salawat credit: Deenislam.co.uk