Tuesday, May 28, 2024

'Boost Your Faith' by Ezatulhada | About the Author


About the Author

Ezatulhada is the writer behind Lisan al-Din blog who actively shared her notes from hundreds of Islamic talks held in Kuala Lumpur since 2009. 
'Boost Your Faith' is her first book encapsulating the lessons she learned, translated, and recorded from the talks and her unique collection of books on Sufism. 
Her Economics degree from the USA and MBA from the UK did not prepare her for a spiritual vocation. However, she finds solace in her Master's degree in Publishing from Scotland because it personifies her passion for sharing knowledge. 
She lives in Penang where she enjoys rediscovering her hometown and playing hostess with the mostest.

If you are based in Malaysia, you may purchase her book from Al Hada Publishing TikTok shop.
Visit www.alhadapublishing.com for more info on payment channels.
Or buy at Kinokuniya KLCC.
If you are based outside Malaysia, you may purchase the book on Amazon.

Published in Ramadan/March 2024

'Boost Your Faith' - Table of Contents:

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