Blessings be to my first guide, my dear Ustaz Shamsul for he has been compassionate like the sun in guiding me. And you should listen to his melodious voice when he sings these beautiful lines, which often bring tears to my eyes...
La ilaha illAllah, Ya hu
Muhammadur Rasulullah, Ya hu
Sa al nallahu, sa al nallah, Ya hu
Wa yaj 'aluna min ahlillah, Ya hu
We ask of Allah, we ask of Allah, O listen,
May He makes us among the pious, O listen
Sa al nallahu, sa al nallah, Ya hu
Wayagh baluna min fadhlillah, Ya hu
We ask of Allah, we ask of Allah, O listen,
May He fulfill all our wish, O listen
Wa yur dhihi wa yar dhallah, Ya hu
Wa nur dhihi wa nar dhallah, Ya hu
Allah is pleased with Muhammad,
Muhammad is pleased with Allah, O listen
Muhammad is pleased with us,
we are pleased with Allah, O listen
Nabi Allah hi habibillah, Ya hu
Habibillah hi Rasulillah, Ya hu
O Nabi Allah, O beloved of Allah, O listen
O beloved of Allah, O Rasulullah, O listen
Rijalullah hi rijalullah, Ya hu
Aqisuna li aj lilllah, Ya hu
O saints of Allah, O saints of Allah, O listen
Help us for the sake of Allah, O listen
Wa ku nu 'au nana fillah, Ya hu
'Asa nahzo bi fadhlillah, Ya hu
Help us on the path to Allah, O listen
May we be lucky with the grace of Allah, O listen
Wa naqtim bissolati tuhdaa, Ya hu
'Ala mukhtaa rihil ahdaa, Ya hu
And we close by praying for mercy, O listen
To Muhammad the Messenger of choice, O listen
Sa al nakum, sa al nakum waliz zulfa rojau nakum
Wafi amrin khosod naakum fashuddu 'azmakum lillah
We seek from you O saint, may you come near
All that we wish for from you, help us for the sake of Allah
Wa ya akhtho buwayaa anjaa buwayaa sadaatu ya ahbab
Wa antum ya ulil albabi ta'a lau wan suru lillah
O Qutub, Nujaba', Saadat and Ahbab (the saints)
Please come and help us for the sake of Allah
Bismillahi fatahnal baa bawasolna ma'al ahbab
Wadaa rot bai nanal akwa busharib naahaa bismillah
In the name of Allah we open the door, welcome O beloved of Allah
Glass of drinks offered and we drink them in the name of Allah
Faya Rabbi bisaadati tuhakh khikli isharati
'Asaa takti bisharati wayasfu wakhtuna lillah
O Lord, with the blessings from Your saints, fulfill our ambitions
May we be happy and at ease to strive for Your sake
Solatullahi mawlana 'ala man bil huda jana
Waman bil haqqi aulaana shafi'ul khalqi 'indallah
May Allah grant mercy to the Prophet who received guidance
And who grant sha'faat (help) in the hereafter
From: Maulidun Nabi lilberzanji wadDiba'i ma'a ArRatib alMuhammadiah
Dear E,
ReplyDeleteYou made reminisce about the nights that we spent in his presence. hearing his soft and erudite voice telling us about Allah and His Prophet. in the camaraderie of like minded students. those were the days, ya? he he..
Salam dear N,
ReplyDelete:) Come join us, we still enjoy such beautiful moments on friday nights. The 'old' batch is still around. Time flies. It's my 7th year with Ust. Shamsul, Alhamdulillah indeed. I really missed him when I was staying in Penang 07/08 so I wrote this poem for ustaz and asked a friend to recite it for him during a class at celcom.
Wasshamsi waduhaha...
‘Demi matahari dan sinar cahayanya di pagi hari’
kalam Tuhan kutemui
enam puluh bulan yang berlalu pergi
Syukur pada Tuhan
hidayah dikirim bersama dai’e
Hari gelap
jadi terang
hati legap
kau gilap garang
Tatkala suria menerpa
bingkas bolos ke segenap maya
tiada daya menidakkannya
Terimakasih atas budi
ku junjung ilmu yang diberi
mohon halal segala isi
moga amal jadi bukti
Guru rohani terawal
taat mengasah bakat
memahat hakikat diri
menyemai cinta pada Ilahi
Asyik murid ini
tidak sebanding
kasih Rumi & Shamsu Tabriz;
Tapi cukuplah bagiku
cahaya mata-hati
kerana engkau
menembus zahir
sedalam sanubari.
what a splendid poem. ahsan! ahsan!