MashaAllah, we are grateful for the pleasant surprise. Allah has answered our prayers for a good accomodation while we are here in Singapore since we have traveled to honor the much revered Allahyarham Sayyid Habib Noh.
We are grateful to discover that the view from our hotel room is the blessed site - the maqam. Alhamdulillah shukran lillah!
Maqam Habib Noh as seen from M Hotel
The last time my mother visited this holy site,
the maqam was situated on a hill top/cliff right next to the sea.
As you can see from the picture,
a big plot of reclaimed land encircled the maqam.
It was said that the authority had tried but failed
to relocate the maqam
in their attempt to develop
this part of Tanjong Pagar, Singapore.
Habib Noh was said to have spent plenty of his time in seclusion on the hill.
May Allah make us benefit from his karamah and barakah.
Al-Fatihah. |
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