Alhamdulillah wa shukrulillah. It's a be-You-tiful day. [Writing this on a Sunday]. Am writing from the exact spot you see in the picture. Allah Wadud!
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You won't believe this. Some people spied on me [yes the same woman who gatecrashed my house in Penang]. She somehow thought I had moved to a seemingly cheaper apartment and she sent sms asking if I had been "downgraded"? How snobbish and ill-hearted eh? And these people think they are holier. OMG. [MSA: no wonder you considered your wife nusyuz. Anyhow, please educate her.]
Anyways, I am not the type who brags but I remembered one ustaz once told me, it's advisable to show some pride to people who are proud. So know that while they rejoice thinking I'd been "downgraded", I have in fact received good news that I will be given another property valued at a little over 1 million Ringgit, bi-iznillah! Maybe it's good to have people who envy us? Maybe it's good to fan their envy so that they will keep destroying their faith and good deeds like fire destroys wood!
Ah! Let's blow away the husks and focus on good people who are kernels in this life, and keep busy doing something useful.
Our Malay readers may want to check out the latest video uploaded on Al Falah TV Youtube channel about a brother who busies himself organizing mawlid and majlis ta'alim in Penang. And a sister who spends her time and money travelling regularly to Mekah. When she is in the country, she spends her time going from one gathering of knowledge to another. I sure want to be like her when I reach 50 InshaAllah.
Peace y'all!
Never stop dreaming good dreams.
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