Alhamdulillah wa shukrulillah to be writing from my home-office on a Monday. I feel like this space has been neglected somewhat and thus am feeling a lil bad for three reasons:
1. Writing is a good habit and a good cognitive exercise, anything good should be continued and maintained. At the beginning of 2017, I made an intention to write a lil something every day and I did. At the outset of 2018, I did not make the same niyat and naturally, psychologically, my entire being does not commit to daily writing. So I learn yet again that making an intention is key. Niyat is a fundamental pre-requisite for any actions. Did you know, writing, expressing oneself and keeping a journal are three out of 100 fun activities you could do to boost your mood, so they say. How many of the 100 items do you normally do? Refer poster below. I found it on Twitter earlier this morning. Twitter is my go-to place for inspirations and motivations on social media, not Instagram. It might be something else for you. To each her/his own. [But I have set up an Instagram account for lisanaldin! LOL.]
2. Blogging is considered as a hobby, obviously. Well, it wasn't that obvious to me until I was at an interview and was asked what my hobby was. I paused for longer than I should and said: "blogging". Gosh how boring a person I must be to not have any hobbies. So this blog has saved me in the interview LOL. I must keep it going InShaAllah.
3. I was made to understand the young ones in my family come here every now and then to chill whenever they need to take a break from their studies and college-pressures. Cos they found their aunt's postings kinda "humorous" [sometimes]. So, there's a demand for this insignificant blog. Oh no, wait, it is significant because we are all unique and only I can tell my own stories the way I do. No one else can do a better job being me/you other than me/you. Therefore, we have to celebrate being ourselves and being chosen by the Lord to be here on this Earth to serve a purpose and occasionally pick a fight with those who annoy us. LOL. Oh, yes, I am speaking [writing] my mind truthfully for this moment. Some people humiliated me and so I wrote about it and then they got mad that I got mad and wrote what I wrote about it. Whatever happens to freedom of speech or "freedom of feelings", for that matter? [If you don't want me to write a bad review for you, then stop doing bad things to me and/or replace your ugly actions with plenty of good deeds until all the murky water got replaced with crystal clear water. As simple as that.]
Alhamdulillah wa shukrulillah, I keep thanking the Lord for having a 24-hour work week as I have more time to do Sunat Duha unlike before. It's actually not too difficult but of course, as a Muslim-novice like me, it's a big deal. I used to think that anyone who does duha prayer is super duper religious and I don't belong with them, but that's a wrong viewpoint, I now realize. It can be done. It's possible. I urge the young ones to give it a try. At the end of the day, Allah will look at the effort we put in, cos we all know hidayah and tawfik is His sole discretion anyway.
By the way, I am not apologizing that this space no longer serves the purpose that some of the old readers might be expecting - me sharing notes from majlis taalim cos I don't do that anymore. You all are smart people who frequent majlis taalim regularly and consistently so I imagine most of you have become a junior-shaykh/shaykha or something by now. Alhamdulillah, again, to each her/his own.
Gotta sign-off and do some office work. Yes I still do office work on Mondays voluntarily cos I love my job. And gotta do some revision for my MBA class. Oh, by the way, the first subject that will be covered is called the Learning Manager and the essence of that is "self-awareness" can you believe that? That we are supposed to reflect on ourselves and how we interact with others in the process of learning. That we are encouraged to have a "reflective learning journal". That Emotional Intelligence (EI) is emphasized a lot more than IQ. Wow!
OK folks, I gotta go now.
(Eza Ismail)
: )
HE & AA - good luck in your studies and exams.
KA - best wishes for your new endeavor in the college of your choice. Bi-iznillah.
NS - wish you a speedy recovery. [I was going to type S for your short name but some "perasan" people might think I'm referring to them or their husband like they own certain alphabets. LOL]
Note to self:
Choose better feeling thoughts!
Speaking of boost, I have stopped buying smoothies from Boost cos I make my own nowadays. Alhamdulillah. Boost is also a brand name for an app which you may want to download. It's got nothing to do with smoothies, but you can buy Boost smoothies and everything else under the sun using the Boost app by Axiata.
: )
Home-made smoothies
[Banana, frozen blueberries, almond milk, frozen yogurt, honey, organic chia seeds, flax seeds, toasted muesli, ice]
Yumms! |
If you are a typical Malaysian like me who watched the AME award show on Astro last night, you would be singing and dancing (at home) to the famous song by Ruffedge -
Diriku sudah pun berpunya kekasih hati
Tak mungkin ku tukar ganti
padamu yang datang dalam khayalan...
Carilah pengganti agar kau gembira lagi...
[Some of the Ruffedge guys attend
majlis taalim regularly mind you!]