I ask of You, O my God, an eloquent tongue and truthful speech; appropriate understanding and an innermost centre of taste; a truly receptive heart and a discerning mind; radiant thought and insatibale yearning; a persistent knocking (at Your door) and a burning desire. Grant me a hand of (total) empowerment and a strength that brooks no resistance; a soul at peace and supple limbs for obeying You. Purify me that I may come to You, and grant that I may be brought before You.
O my God, gift me with a heart by which I may be devoted to You in utter poverty, led by yearning and driven by desire, whose provision is fear (of You) and whose companion is restlessness, whose aim is (Your) closeness and acceptance! In Your Nearness lies the consummation of those who aim, and the fulfilment of the desire of those who search.
O my God, bestow upon me the presence of tranquility and dignity. Keep me from self-aggrandisement and haughtiness. Let me stand in the station of being accepted as Your delegate, and may my words meet with positive response.
O my Lord, bring me close to You with the closeness of those who truly know (You). Purify me from the attachments of the natural constitution. Eliminate the blood-clot of blameworthiness from my heart, that I may be one of the completely purified ones.
May God blessings be upon our master Muhammad, and upon all his family and companions. And Praise be to God, Lord of the universes.
Partial Sunday Eve Prayer of Ibn Arabi from Ibn Arabi The Seven Days of the Heart. Translated by Pablo Beneito and Stephen Hirtenstein
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