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Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Al-Hamid of Darul Murtadza Malaysia recorded a special Ramadan message on the importance of duá |
Habib Ali begins his tausiyah by quoting a verse from the Quran:
"When my servant ask you about Me, then (tell them that) I am near. I respond to the call of one when he prays to Me; so they should respond to Me, and have faith in Me, so that they may be on the right path." (Al Baqarah-186)
This verse appears between several verses regarding Ramadan and fasting. It is a verse about making duá (supplication). It is a verse alluding to the importance of making duá especially for a person who is fasting, more so in Ramadan.
Prophet Muhammad says: Du'a of those who fast will not be rejected. We must make duá in all situations especially during iftar, at night, after solah and at the times/places during which we are encouraged to make du'a.
Allah makes du'a as a means for us to converse with Him and make our pleas to Him. There is a saying by ulama that for those who wish for Allah to speak to them, let them read the Quran. And those who wish to speak to Him, let them perform solah and make du'a.
Reading the Quran is akin to having Allah communicating with the reader. But if we intend to have a discourse with Allah, then we should pray and make supplication. For those who are near (qarib) to Allah, they would find it pleasing conversing with Him because they know they are talking and pleading to the Essence which is Latif (Most Subtle), Most Compassionate, Most Giving, Most Generous, Most Helpful. Therefore, we should confide in Allah for anything and everything we need.
Allah tells us in the Quran about a person whom He has made special, whom He singled out to be the one who could speak directly with Him. The person is none other than Prophet Musa a.s. who is also known as Kalimullah. When Allah asked Musa: "What is in your hand?" Prophet Musa answered with a long reply: "It's my stick. I lean on it. I use it for herding my goats and I have several other purpose for it."
Prophet Musa gave a long detail explanation in response to a simple question from Allah because Musa enjoyed having conversation with Allah. We too, have the tendency to talk at great length with those whom we adore.
The conclusion is this: making duá is a beautiful thing, it is a pleasure to speak to Allah through duá, for all our needs. "O mankind, it is you who stand in need of Allah, but Allah is Rich, worthy of Praise." (Surah Fatir:15)
Prophet Muhammad salallah alihi wasalam says: duá is mukhul ibadah, it is the "brain" of ibadah. Du'a itself is ibadah. Making duá in ibadah is analogous to the spirit of a body. Ibadah is the body and duá is the spirit.
There is duá in all the ibadah which Prophet Muhammad taught us. There is duá in solah. We say: ihdinas siratal mustaqim. We pray for Allah to keep us on the Straight Path. There are important duá in fasting. There is duá in zakat too. We say: "This blessing is from You, and we return it to You, please accept our zakat." The duá is similar for qurban. And there is also duá for Hajj. When Prophet Muhammad salallah alaihi wasalam had put on the ihram and was approaching Mekah, he made a duá: "O Allah let there be no riya in this Hajj and grant me sincerity."
So, there is duá in solah, siyam, zakat and hajj. Duá is mukhul ibadah. It is the brain of ibadah. The essence of ibadah is duá.
May I be forgiven for any mistakes in the translation. Let's wait for the second part of the video to be released in which Habib Ali will speak on the etiquettes of du'a. Wallahu alam.
Credit: https://www.facebook.com/darulmurtadza
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