It was related that Aisha, the mother of the believers said:
'O Messenger of God! We see Jihad as the greatest deed.'
The Prophet s.a.w said:
'The greatest Jihad for women is to perform the Pilgrimage
and have it accepted by God Almighty.'
- Sahih Al-Bukhari
3 November: A bus carries Muslim pilgrims on their way to the hajj across the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, in Rafah
Photograph: Eyad Baba/AP
My prayers are for my dearest girlfriends who are at this moment, gearing up for the much awaited moments in Arafah. May Allah ease their journey and welcome them to His Divine Nearness. For the sake of His beloved Prophet, may Allah accept the hajj offered by all the pious women because women are the dearest of people to Rasulullah s.a.w, bi-iznillah.
May the rest of us ladies who are not yet blessed to be there in the holy lands, may Allah facilitate our preparations for the greatest jihad. May He invite us soon. We pray with the barakah of ummul mukminin Saidatina Aishah r.a. and Saidatina Khatijah al-Kubra r.a., Allah will be merciful on us and fulfill our wish.
Ameen Allahumma ameen.
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