Saturday, February 11, 2012

The voice of words


"Writing is not an exercise in excision, it's a journey into sound." - E.B. White

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani tweeted that and it got me into writing again though my mind and body have been weak on account of some germs, said a doctor. But we trust God better - wa iza mariztu fahuwa yashfin. 

I've also been in a semi-hiatus as I grappled with Martin Lings' biography of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Pardon me, English is my second language and Martin Lings had confessed to having written the said book using  the top (the 4th) level of the English language. Still I pray and I pray that some people might benefit from my attempts to summarize its chapters. InshaAllah.

Yes I agree with E.B. White who was a prolific American writer. Words become sound when read, needless to say. I also agree mostly because I learned in my Master's course in Publishing and I quote my professor who said: a book has a "voice". Read on and you will surely find it. It's true, sometimes we picked up a book and we developed a liking. Sometimes it's not so much about the content or the subject but the "voice" behind it.

If you happened to be a nerd like I was, and read 'The History of Reading', you could appreciate how spiritual the whole mechanism of reading is. It's like each and every alphabets in the black rows between the white lines has a life and it comes to get you before you do them, if I may paraphrase it for you simply.

And we all know why the "voice" behind the Holy Qur'an seems majestically beautiful and over-powering at the same time. We could identify with that "Voice" surely. 

Lastly, before signing off, this weak "voice" seeks for your prayer and continued love. You - you know who you are. And you who have a somewhat negative intention towards me, please leave me alone.

Thank you.

p/s Tomorrow, Sunday 12 Feb @ Maghrib, for those of you who live in KL, there will be a grand Mawlidur Rasul celebration at Ba'alawi KL in Kemensah. InshaAllah.

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