A friend sent me this poster:

Then she said:
"So you have lots of experiences and lessons in life."
Then she said something in Malay which cracked me up.
She said:
"Banyak hasil lah."
She rarely speaks Malay so that makes it even funnier.
For the benefit of our non-Malay readers:
Banyak means: plenty of
Hasil means: yield or results or revenue or proceeds or takings or triumph.
Lah according to the Urban Dictionary is a "slang used mainly by people of South East Asia (Malaysia and Singapore) to complement almost any sentence available in a social conversation."
Yeah... I have got banyak hasil lah!
So banyak that I am feeling like Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri - That is a name of a big organization in Malaysia - Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia. LOL.
Best people give you memories.
: )
Jazakumullahu khair
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